
"Archive photography seemed to me to reflect a bottomless well, waiting for someone to look into it and understand it."
- Vitas Luckus
- 维塔斯•卢克斯,立陶宛摄影师

打字机前的Barbara Newhall Follett;她是一名幼年成名的作家,12岁时出版的第一部小说《The House Without Windows》让她迅速成名。但19岁结婚后,她那位沾花惹草的丈夫,让她渐渐变得抑郁,最终25岁时在一次争吵后离家出走,从此失踪。相册君今晚看了这本小说的一段,的确是优美而充满幻想的文字。




In a little brown shingled cottage on one of the foothills of Mount Varcrobis, there lived with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Eigleen, a little girl named Eepersip. She was rather lonely. She kept advising Mr. and Mrs. Eigleen to make a beautiful garden, where flowers would bloom year after year, and to which birds and butterflies would come back again and again. Accordingly all three set to work with a will, and in a few years they had made the most beautiful garden that was ever seen. Around its borders bloomed apple-trees, pear-trees, and peach-trees, and inside them bloomed azaleas, rhododendrons, magnolias, lilacs, honeysuckle, and fire-blossoms. Next came the ground flowers. There were seven kinds of roses, and there was a whole corner devoted to early spring flowers: crocuses, daffodils, squills, and narcissi. Another corner was carpeted with tender anemnones, all snow-white. In the centre of the garden there was a circular bed filled with iris of all kinds and colours. Clematis and morning-glory vines climbed over the wooden benches, and near the centre was a tall arch with ramblers
climbing all over it. Another bed was thickly clustered with great purple violets. The paths through the garden had gracefully bending ferns on each side.




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